Sunday, December 29, 2019

Andrew Jackson Essay - 1892 Words

Jackson was a protector of democracy for quot;Equal protection and equal benefitsquot; for all men. He wanted to be rid of any organization or institution promoting specific privilege to anyone. Jackson felt that over time, the offices of the federal system had grown mold to a uniform party. He proceeded to seek diversity amongst officers, and while he removed no more officials than Jefferson, he succeeded in diversifying the system. Since he believed that the power belonged to the people, Jackson instituted a new method for selecting presidential candidates. While previously there was held a Congressional Caucus, Jackson initiated a national nominating convention in order that the people might elect their candidates. Jackson responding†¦show more content†¦In the South, many people wanted to allow the Indians that were civilized, like the Cherokee, to remain on their land. The eventual result was the passage of the Removal Act, which provided the necessary funds for the relocation of Indians to the West. The Cherokee then found favor in their appeal to the Supreme Court (Marshall and Jackson were long time foes), however, Marshall didnt enforce the ruling, and the Cherokee were eventually dissolved due to Jacksons hatred. Some escaped to North Carolina, others took money to leave, and the remaining majority of all were forced from their homes [at bayonet point] to make a long quot;trek of tearsquot; to their new homes, west of the Mississippi. The Seminoles, however, were partially stubborn. Some left for relocation, while others joined escaped slaves to rise against the government. While unsuccessful, we never managed to totally relocate them. Jackson dismantles the Federal bank Seeing that the National Bank was a monopoly, Jackson set out to destroy it. Jackson was successful enough in winning people to his side of the issue that he forced the banks president, Biddle, to take measure. Biddle responded by winning over some of Jacksons followers along with certain influential people. Biddle applied for renewal of the charter for the bank four years early, and it passed Congress but was of course vetoed and deemed by Jackson to be quot;unconstitutional.quot; Congress was unable to override the veto, and so theShow MoreRelatedAndrew Jackson1431 Words   |  6 Pages Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United Stated of America, was born on March 15, 1767 and died on June 8, 1845 in Nashville, Tennessee. Jackson’s parents Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson were Presyberitains, Scots-Irish settlers whom in 1765 emigrated from Ireland. Andrew’s birthplace is deduced to have been at one of his uncles houses in the Waxhaw’s area between North Carolina and South Carolina, his exact whereabouts is unknown. Jacksons mother emigrated across the AppalachianRead MoreAndrew Jackson : The Age Of Jackson1376 Words   |  6 Pagesknown as â€Å"The Age of Jackson†, America was a country on its way to the West. America’s revolutionary generation was quickly fading, making room for a new balance of political power. As the class systems were breaking down, the â€Å"common man† was better able to cast his vote for the new President. Jackson was glorified by his impressive war accomplishments and humble background of the frontier. This made him the main target for presidency in election 1824. Once coming to power, Jackson no longer portrayedRead MoreThe Age Of Jackson By Andrew Jackson Essay1267 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"The Age of Jackson† was a time when the high society aristocrats were threatened by the commoner. Jackson was a common man himself; orphaned as a boy, Jackson, rose to the top and became an admired general and commander in chief. Jackson affected the outlook on the class system, the method of electing our president, the spread of the spoils system, the fighting between the north and the south, the interactions between America and the Indians, and he helped lead our country to inflation. With Jackson’sRead MoreThe Life Of Andrew Jackson Essay1625 Words   |  7 Pages The Life of Andrew Jackson Michael J. Ford Jr. Central High School November 9, 2015 4th Period â€Æ' Abstract In my paper I while inform you of the United States 7th president Andrew Jackson. My paper consists of interesting facts about Mr. Jackson. It isn’t like what you read about in regular history books. Although some are random there fun facts that you may or may not know about my topic. The Life of Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was born Friday March 15, 1767. He was raised in WaxhawRead MoreThe Legacy Of Andrew Jackson1090 Words   |  5 PagesAndrew Jackson America’s history is rich and full of countless heroes, scandals, and incredible stories. Perhaps one of the most interesting of those stories is that of Andrew Jackson’s. To some, he was a hero, but to others, he was their worst enemy. Being raised in the mountains of the Carolinas, he became the first â€Å"backcountry president† of the United States (Wilentz, 13). His fame, though, began years before his presidency. Jackson’s reputation was established during the War of 1812, namelyRead MoreThe Legacy Of Andrew Jackson1365 Words   |  6 PagesConceived in time of poverty, Andrew Jackson had turned into a rich Tennessee lawyer. When the time came and the war broke out between Britain and the United States, his administration in that conflict earned Jackson national fame as a military legend. He would then go on to turn into America s most influential and polarizing political figure between the 1820s and 1830s. After barely losing to John Quincy Adams in the 1824 presidential race, Jackson returned four years after the fact to win reclamationRead More Andrew Jackson Essay1388 Words   |  6 Pages Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson, born in 1767 was a child of poor Scotch-Irish immigrants. He ended up with enough education to be qualified to practice law. Jackson’s father died before he was born. The Revolutionary War started soon after he was born. It was very bloody in the wild and poor country where they lived. Jackson at the age of 13, joined a regiment. He was captured by the British, was wounded and nearly killed by a sword to the face for not polishing a British officers boots. He andRead More Andrew Jackson Essay1079 Words   |  5 Pages Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was born the Waxhaw territory, lying between North and South Carolina on March 15, 1767. Jackson was the third child of Scotch-Irish parents. His father died as the result of a logging accident just a few weeks before Andrew was born. Jacksons mother, Elizabeth Hutchison Jackson, was regarded as a very independent woman. After her husbands death, she raised her three sons at the home of one of her relatives. The Declaration of IndependenceRead MoreThe Legacy Of Andrew Jackson1523 Words   |  7 PagesAndrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 to Scots-Irish colonists Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson in the mountains between North and South Carolina. Jackson was born into poverty and as a result received very little education growing up. When The British invaded the Carolinas around 1780, Jackson’s mother and two brothers were killed during the conflict and British soldiers took the young Andrew Jackson prisoner, leaving him with a lifelong hostility toward Great Britain. In 1781, JacksonRead More Andrew Jackson Essay981 Words   |  4 PagesAndrew Jackson No one can argue that as a president, Jackson made no mistakes; however, they in no way disqualify him from having a place on the U.S. twenty dollar bill. Jackson made every decision according to the will of the American people, even the more unsavory ones. He was a war hero that exemplified the strength and tenacity by which America has defined itself over the generations. He acted in all ways with concern for the growth of the American nation, both at home and overseas. Even his

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The State of Georgia The Empire State of the South Essay

The state of Georgia earned the nickname The Empire State of the South in the antebellum period largely because of its textile industry. From 1840 until 1890 the state consistently led the South in textile production, Antebellum towns including Macon, Milledgeville, Madison, and Greensboro experimented with steam-powered cotton factories, with varying degrees of success. The steam-powered factories in Madison and Greensboro went broke in the 1850s, while those in Milledgeville and Macon survived to serve the Confederacy. Macon Cotton Factory the leading manufacturing sector of the United States in the years before the Civil War. Georgias entrepreneurs began to experiment in factory-based industry between 1809 and 1820, but they†¦show more content†¦William Schley and by 1840 the state could boast fourteen cotton factories containing at least 16,635 spindles and involving a capitalization of more than $500,000. Georgias textile industry seemed capable of endless expansion, with large profits for all who invested. In 1844 the Athens Manufacturing Company declared a 24 percent dividend on its stock, and Henry Merrell, the factory manager at the newly constructed Curtwright Factory in Greene County, expected to make similar profits for the foreseeable future. The very successes of Georgias industrialization set forces in motion that destroyed the reputation of its antebellum textile industry. Investors who were disappointed with the returns on their railroad stock during the long depression of the late 1830s to mid-1840s turned toward cotton factories. The state legislature encouraged additional factory construction in 1847 by making incorporation for a factory much easier than for any other company. Accordingly, the number of cotton and wool factories in Georgia grew from fourteen to thirty-five between 1844 and 1849. But the census counts frequently omitted factories that were temporarily inoperative or under construction, and the number continued to increase. In 1851 localShow MoreRelatedThe Culture of the State of Georgia, A Paragraph695 Words   |  3 PagesHave you ever wanted to visit a state with beautiful mountains and waterfalls? If so Georgia is a great state to visit,because its known for it’s beautiful Appalachian Mo untains. It also has beautiful waterfalls on the mountains. In this paragraph, it tells about the culture of Georgia. The first people that stepped on Georgias land stepped on it about 10,000 years ago. Georgia is located along the Atlantic Ocean and is Southeastern in the United States.Georgia is roughly about 57,906 squareRead MoreAbout Georgia Essay979 Words   |  4 PagesGeorgia was admitted as a state in 1788 and was one of the Confederate States of America. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

AS Music Baroque Ensemble Music Free Essays

Music History Project 4: Baroque ensemble music: 1. What is meant by rounded form? Discuss its origins and main sections. Why was repetition so important for Baroque composers? Rounded form is where the opening passage in the tonic key keeps coming back around, the most common pattern generally being ABACA. We will write a custom essay sample on AS Music: Baroque Ensemble Music or any similar topic only for you Order Now The A section is called the refrain or rounded and the non-A passages are called episodes or couplets. The rounded form originated in France, and was first the name of a medieval song with a repeating pattern. Later composers n the Classical era preferred to use the Italian spelling of the word, rondo. Repetition in Baroque music was important for composers and audiences, because composers of the Baroque era often wrote vast amounts of music as part of their employment, so were almost forced to adopt such time saving methods. Audiences of the Baroque era also were not able to fast forward, rewind or replay parts of music like we can today, so repetition allowed the audience to stay on track, and not lose the plot of the piece. 2. The binary form in Baroque music: describe the structure and comment on analogy as would occur in the different sections: A vast amount of Baroque pieces, especially ones based on dances, are in binary form, which is music where there are two distinctly separate sections, each usually repeated. The letters ABA are often used to describe binary form in music. The two sections might be similar in length, or the second might be longer than the first. In binary form, section A usually begins in the tonic key, and then ends in another key, often the dominant, or if the starting key is minor, for instance, section A might end in its relative major. Section B, however, usually goes through keys not previously heard in the piece, and then ends in the tonic key. 3. Compare and contrast Baroque instrumental music with that of the Renaissance : Instrumental music was much more important and plentiful in the Baroque period than it had previously been, when the majority of music was vocal. The improved instrument technology helped, and allowed and encouraged composers to develop genuinely instrumental ways of writing. Much of the Renaissance period music was written for voices only, and some Renaissance style music for instruments is very vocal in its character. The more vocal styles of Renaissance music, contrasting with the instrumental music of the Baroque period is the main difference between the two. 4. In paragraphs of approximately 75 words summaries information on the following Baroque instrumental families: Strings Woodwind Brass Keyboard Strings: The first Violins, Violas and Cellos were made in Italy in the late 16th century. For some time, these instruments, called the Violin family, were used alongside instruments from the Viol family, but gradually overtook them in popularity. The Baroque bow was straight or arch shaped rather than inward curving as today, the ridge was marginally lower, and its curve shallower, which in turn made multiple stopping easier. The neck bent back at a slightly larger angle, and with the lower bridge, therefore put the strings at a lower tension, making the sound less powerful. Woodwind: Recorders were heavily used throughout the Baroque period, the most commonly used type being f alto (treble). Recorders fell out of use after the Baroque period, coming back into use in the late 20th century. Baroque flutes were normally made out of wood, with finger holes and Just one key for a hard to reach bass note. The done flutes lacked some of the sound quality of modern metal ones; they could not reach such high notes, and were held sideways. Oboe players produced sound, the same as they still do to this day, by blowing between two reeds. The Baroque oboe developed from the Shawn, a more powerful, even harsh instrument, which was often played outdoors. In some Baroque pieces, oboes doubled (played the same parts as) violins, but they sometimes had solo roles. Brass: Trumpets in Baroque music were often connected with royal and military ceremonies, and were therefore regarded as a special instrument. They had no valves, so different notes were played by the musician using different lip pressures. Early brass instruments without valves are called ‘natural’. Trombones were largely favored in Venice in the early sass’s, mainly in ceremonial music for performance in church. Baroque trombones were less powerful than modern ones, so could therefore be better combined with softer instruments. To distinguish modern from Baroque instruments, the latter are mainly known as ‘sackbuts’, or ‘sackbuts’. Horns are found in some later Baroque pieces, including Bach’s Brandenburg concerto No. , which includes a horn called corn dad acacia, (Italian for ‘hunting horn’). The corona dad acacia shared the rounded shape of the modern horn, but lacked valves and had a lighter, brighter sound, and was often used in high pitched sections of pieces. Keyboard: Harpsichords are keyboard instruments which have strings that are mechanically plucked when the keys are pressed. Harpsichords from the Baroque period vary in tone and construction from country to country. Clavichords are keyboard instruments that have strings which are hit by tangents’ when the keys, which have a seesaw like action, are pressed. In the Baroque period, Clavichords were used mainly in Germany. They had a quiet sound, which therefore made them inappropriate for use at big public concerts, but ideal for making music at home. Unlike Harpsichords, Clavichords were touch sensitive, and in this way, along with the hammer sound production, they were like modern pianos. Organs varied vastly in their size, construction and tone. German organs commonly had two or more manuals and pedals. English organs, on the other hand, normally had no pedals and rarely more than one manual. 5. What is meant by ‘retooling? Retooling form is the form that many late Baroque pieces, especially those from concertos, are in. The form is similar to Rounded, but more sophisticated. An opening passage is heard on two or more occasions throughout the piece, but not always necessarily in full, with other passages in between. These so called ‘in between’ passages, sometimes a lot longer than the riotousness, are called ‘episodes’ and are often for fewer instruments. A retooling can also be an instrumental passage within a vocal piece. . Describe briefly the structure off typical Baroque suite: There is no axed pattern of movement in Baroque suites, but later examples included the following dances, in this order: Allemande: usually moderate speed or fairly slow, in 4/4 time, with a short upbeat and plenty of gentle semiquaver movement. Current: quick or fairly q uick, in 3/4 or 3/2 Serenade: slow triple time, usually 3/4, often with the second beat of the bar emphasizes. Segue; quick and lively, usually in a compound time such as 12/8 7. Explain how Baroque composers would expand on the dances that would appear in a suite. What changes would they bring into their music? Dances are generally in binary form, but composers sometimes extended their work in one of the following ways: Two dances of the same kind (both binary) appear in the order first dance, second dance, first dance repeated, producing a kind of ternary (ABA) structure. Two versions of a single dance are given, the first ‘plain’, the second with much more ornamentation added. Some modern performers play the plain dance complete, with both sections repeated and then the double similarly. Baroque composers may have sometimes played either the plain dance or the double, not both. How to cite AS Music: Baroque Ensemble Music, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Managerial Skills of Toyota-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management and Managerial Skills of Toyota. Answer: Introduction: Strategic management and plays crucial role in the development of any business organization. In this competitive era, where all the business organization is incorporating best practices to battle against the rival companies and earn the desired target in the society, strategic management and works as strength of the business organization that enhances the competitive advantage of the companies(Hill, Jones, Schilling, 2014). Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the renowned automotive manufacturer that has put a strong impact on the on the car industry by its innovative practices. The journey of Toyota has been started in 1937. The organization covers a huge market share. Toyota has brought revolution in the motor vehicle industry by introducing hybrid electric vehicles. As per the report, Toyota earns 28.40 trillion revenue per year by providing its service worldwide. The organization has not only set an example in front of the world by its profit margin, but it has become a pioneer i n terms of strategic management and (Chiarini Vagnoni, 2015). The organization has adopted a unique style of leadership that has led the organization to achieve the desired position in the local as well as global automotive industry. This innovative management style of Toyota leaders has distinguished it from the other business organization. Toyota is considered as one of the pioneer of strategic management. The leaders of Toyota has left no stone unturned to maintain healthy environment within the organization. They pay close attention to their relation with the stakeholders (, 2017). The following article has concentrated on the strategic management and managerial skills of Toyota. It has enlightened all the practices of Toyota management that influences the growth of the organization. The objective of the article is to provide a vivid picture of the organizational structure of Toyota. Analysis: Strategic management is considered as one of the key success factors of the business organization. It has been argued that it consists of three major stages that plays crucial role in the growth of any business organization, such as- strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation (Rothaermel, 2015). Strategy formulation is considered as the primary stage of strategic management. In this stage, the management team of the business organization forms suitable strategies for the organization. This stage plays crucial role in the development of the organization. Leaders need to consider all the aspects of the business organization while constructing the organizational strategies (Harrison John, 2013). Otherwise, it may lead the organization towards the wrong direction. Before making any strategy, it is important to analyse the situation of the organization and conduct market research. It will be beneficial to construct a suitable set of norms for the organization that can support organizational growth. The second stage of the strategic management is to implement the formulated strategies within the organizational structure. While implementing strategies, the management of the business organization needs to make sure that all organizational members are aware of the newly constructed strategies and they are willing to adopt these strategies. In order to achieve the goal, the organizational management needs to maintain healthy and interactive relation with all the internal and external stakeholders. They need to provide a transparent idea about the organizational strategy and the objective of the management to incorporate such strategies. It will be helpful for the members to adopt these strategies(Morden, 2016). The last and final stage of the strategic management is to evaluate the consequence to implement these strategies. This stage plays crucial role in the development of the organization as it helps the organizational management to identify the loopholes in the strategy and responsible areas of the management where they need to put more efforts to strengthen their organizational structure. It helps the organizational management to monitor the development of the organization. Management must scrutinize the profit margin, sales rate and market demand of the organization to evaluate the impact of the strategy(Chen, Delmas, Lieberman, 2015). These three key stages lead any business organization to make a strong remark in the industry. Management department of any organization are mainly responsible to perform this role. The success of the business organization is highly relied on the efficiency of the managerial department of the company(Frynas Mellahi, 2015). The competitive nature of the market has been drastically increased since past few years due to arrival of many rival companies. It has become difficult for any business organization to survive in this competitive era. Hence, it is mandatory for the managerial department of the business organization to perform their role in an appropriate manner to stimulate the function of the organization. They need to pay close attention to the requirement of the organization while making the organizational strategy. Strategic management focuses on the holistic growth of the organization (Hubbard, Rice, Galvin, 2014). Thus, it is important for the leaders of business companies to concentrate on the overall organizational structure instead of a specific section. They need to perform versatile role to support the growth of the organization. It has been argued that strategic management is the set of initiative that has been mainly taken by the management of the organization on the behalf of the authority and it provides right direction to the organization (Kotler, Berger, Bickhoff, 2016). Thus, it can be stated that success of strategic management is highly dependent on the effectiveness and strengths of the higher management of the business organization. As opined by Michael Porter, the managerial department needs to focus on three basic principles, such as- creating unique and innovative strategies, managing the quality of the organizational strategy and fit in the market trend by managing the organizational activity (Stead Stead, 2013). These are the key words of success in recent time for any business organization. It is important for the business organization to adopt unique strategies that can distinguish it from the rival companies and helpful to survive in the competition. Thus, managerial department must be aware of these factors while making any strategy to carry out any business venture. As claimed by Porter, business organizations must manage their activities to fit in the market trend. The scenario of the market is transforming day by day. Thus, it is important for the business organizations to design their structure as per the market structure. Otherwise, it may face deadly consequence in coming future (Peppers Rogers, 2016). According to reports, strategic management involves the analysis of the external and internal environment (Jenkins Williamson, 2015). Both environment plays key role in the success of the organization. It is managements responsibility to gather all the relevant information about the external and internal environment of the organization while making the organizational strategy. Otherwise, the organization may face various issues in near future. There are various tools that are used by the organizational management to evaluate the internal and external analysis. It is highly beneficial for the organization to earn the desired position in the industry. Otherwise, the high competitive nature of the market may challenge the existence of the business organization and it may fails to achieve the desired position in the industry (Tallman Koza, 2016). In this scenario, it can be stated that Toyota management has tried to follow all the aspects of strategic management in an appropriate manner. The organization is run by a team of skilled and experienced leaders that preserve quality experience in the respective field. They plays key role in the development of Toyota. They have a clear idea about the organizational objective and they design the organizational structure accordingly. Being a largest producer of the automobile, Toyota has set an expectation level among its consumers. It is important for the management of Toyota to meet the expectation level of the loyal consumers to earn the long-term organizational goal by incorporating efficient strategies. Managerial department stay close to the requirement and preference of the target market and they ensure that the organization and its members are performing in an appropriate manner by adopting the strategies formulated by them. The organizational management always try to incorpor ate some unique strategies within the organizational rulebook that will be helpful to beat the rival business organizations (Smith, 2014). There are some key features of Toyota that reflects the effectiveness of strategic management of the organization, such as- Toyota management always maintains a strong supply chain management. They maintain an interactive relation with all the members of the supply chain. Being a renowned global automobile company, Toyota needs to maintain a huge supply chain, as the management is aware of the fact that it is impossible to provide quality service to the large number of consumers without strong and effective supply chain management. They stay close to their raw material suppliers and distributors and provide them a transparent idea about the requirement and demand of the consumers (Kaynak, Mockler, Dologite, 2014). It is often evident that the management of Toyota takes some innovative initiatives that lead the organization to the next level of success. In 197, Toyota was the first automobile company that has started manufacturing small and fuel-efficient cars which has drawn the attention of the large number of target consumers. As the price of the fuel has been fuelled since past few years, such cars have become the desired cars for the buyers. In recent time, the organization has started producing electric cars that will be beneficial to fight against the global warming and other forms of environmental pollution (Ruff, 2015). The management always maintains healthy environment within the organization. Toyota always maintains a culture and values within the organization. The values and ethics of Toyota are considered as the main resource of the organization that stimulates the growth of the organization. The organizational management of Toyota follows some key principles to run the organization, such as- unique, teamwork, respect. Toyota authority maintains healthy and peaceful environment within the organization to ensure a bright future. Internal stakeholders of the organization are considered as one of the weapon of the organization. Toyota management tries to maintain healthy relation with them to support the growth of their performance, as they are aware of the fact that efficient performance of the employees can brighten up the brand image of the organization (Pisano, 2016). There are some policies that are followed by the higher management of Toyota, such as- management must take decision on the basis of the long-term goal of the organization, problems must be highlighted by the members of the organization and must be resolved on the priority basis, innovative and trustworthy technologies must be adopted by the organization that will support the growth of employees performance, management must focus on all the aspects of the organization while making any decision and must consider the organizational goal, workers must be able to take up new challenges, as it will be helpful for their performance development (Percy Elliott, 2016). Toyota is known for its lean management where employees are influenced and motivated to bring changes in the system of the organization. They take active part in the organizational decision-making process and they are being empowered to lead the organization to the leading position(Melander, et al., 2016). Toyota has adopted some innovative policies to maintain healthy relation with the employees. Being one of the leading business organization, Toyota possesses a large workforce with 25000 employees. Although, it is not possible for the employers to address each of their employees every time, they have made some innovative policies to provide support to their employees. Toyota always stands by the side of their employees when they require the support of their employers. They have included some flexible and transparent strategies that can be helpful for the employees. It helps the organization to retain their employee for a long period of time and it puts a great impact on the organizational performance. This is one of the major reasons for the success of the organization (Schmidt Farkas, 2016). As per the previous discussion, it can be stated that all the theoretical concepts discussed previously are incorporated in the organizational structure. These concepts have greatly influenced the managerial skills of the Toyota management. The management has followed three crucial stages of the strategic management. They often conduct market research and environmental analysis while constructing organizational strategy. It provides a vivid idea to them about the condition of the market and highlights the areas where they need to put extra effort to strengthen the organizational structure. By analysing the situation, management implement some innovative strategies that can influence organizational function, such as- lean management, electric cars and so on. While making these strategies the management always encourage their external and internal stakeholders to participate in the organizational decision making process. It motivates their stakeholders to adopt the organizational strat egies and policies in an appropriate manner and work as a team to earn the desired position in the society. It is the primary reason for the success of Toyota. By such innovative and unique practices, the organization has secured the highest position in the automotive industry (Chowdhury, 2014). Recommendations: Although, the management of Toyota has left no stone unturned to provide quality service to the consumers and enlighten the brand image of the organization, there are some loopholes in the organizational structure of Toyota that can be harmful for the reputation of the organization and may restrict the growth. It has been evident in recent time, that the organization has faced various challenges due to the lack of efficiency of the crisis management team of the organization (Yan, Choi, Kim, Yang, 2015). Being a leading name in the business world, Toyota needs to pay close attention to the performance of the crisis management team. It is the responsibility off the higher management of the Toyota to make sure that all the members of Crisis management is performing appropriately and providing adequate support to the organization. The crisis management team must be alert 24*7 to save the organization and its reputation from any kind of crisis. The organizational management must appoint some experienced and efficient members who can serve the organization with their quality performance. They must be aware of their role and responsibility towards the organization and they must be committed to their job. Otherwise, they will not be able to provide sufficient support to their organization. In recent time, it has been evident, that the production of the car has faced several challenges in Toyota. The motor of Toyota has recently failed in the test, which leads the organization to face a massive crisis recently. Thus, the organization must recruit some experienced and skilled engineers who can boost up the manufacturing process of the organization. Engineers who preserve quality experience in the field can save the organization to face such disasters. As per the report, in many cases the organizational management of Toyota refuses to take responsibility and blame their internal stakeholders (Lu, Au, Peng, Xu, 2013). Such practices must be avoided. The organizational management must be aware of the fact that it is important to maintain the trust of the internal and external stakeholders. They must take the responsibility when required. The organizational management of Toyota must invest heavily to rectify their loopholes on an immediate basis. Otherwise, it can be harmful for the growth of the organization. Problems need to be resolved as early as possible. They must appoint skilled employees and adopt efficient techniques to avoid any problems that will be harmful for the growth of the organization. The organizational management need to maintain healthy relation with the suppliers. They must use modern communication tools to maintain regular interaction with the suppliers and distributors. It will be helpful for the organization to provide clear idea about the requirement and preference of the consumers. At the same time, it will help the organization to provide uninterrupted service to the consumers and survive in the competition. Leaders of Toyota must be aware of their role and responsibility towards the organization. They must play their role in an appropriate manner. It is their responsibility to look after all the aspects of the organization and resolve all the issues that can destroy the reputation among the target market of Toyota. It is often evident that organization is facing several challenges due to the negligence of the leaders of the organization. Thus, leaders must be committed towards their role and responsibility and they must be aware of the organizational objective and vision mission while making any strategies for the growth of the organization. Conclusion: As per the previous discussion, it can be stated that Toyota has set an example for other business organization by following the path of the strategic management. They follow all the relevant concept of the organizational strategic management. The managerial department of the organization maintains conduct various market researches to design their organizational structure. They analyse their external and internal environment to make sure that the strategies have been adopted by the management are suitable to support the growth of the organization. The leaders of Toyota follow the three crucial stages while constructing organizational strategy. Therefore, they follow the path of innovation while making any strategy. Such practices are considered as the key success factor of the organization. It has led the organization to adopt innovative initiatives, such as lean management, innovation of modern and efficient products and so on. Due to such efficient managerial skills of the leaders , the organization has brought revolutionary changes in the world of automobile and successfully carried out many unique business ventures. 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