Thursday, February 27, 2020

Law of Evidence - Reliability and relevance Essay

Law of Evidence - Reliability and relevance - Essay Example Evidence can only be deemed to be relevant if it is used to prove or disprove a matter that is in issue before the court. Evidence adduced with the intention of causing the jury to disapprove of the defendant is generally inadmissible, unless it is properly presented as evidence of bad character to show the propensity of the defendant to a particular kind of crime. Since scientific evidence is a specific area of expertise it is essential that the person giving evidence relating to scientific findings is suitably qualified, and that the evidence can be relied upon in order to secure a conviction. It is not always easy to draw a distinction between a person who is giving an expert opinion as opposed to evidence of fact1 . The Criminal Procedure Rules 1998 (CPR) were reformed in order to restrict the usage of expert evidence2. CPR r 35.1 states that ‘expert evidence shall be restricted to that which is reasonably required to resolve the proceedings.’ One of the dangers asso ciated with the reliance of expert opinion is that miscarriages of justice may occur as a direct result. ... This case was very similar to R v Clark (no2) [2003]4 in which the evidence of the same expert used in the Cannings case was regarded as reliable, resulting in the conviction of Clark for the murder of her 2 children. Professor Meadow, the expert in these cases was at the time carrying out a government funded report into the causes of sudden infant death. At the trial Professor Meadow made the observation that the chances of 2 children dying of cot death within Clark’s family situation could be compared to the chances of 4 different horses winning the Grand National in consecutive years at odds of 80 to 1. As a result of the elevated status of Professor Meadow as an expert in this field the jury concluded that the deaths could not have been natural causes. The courts have struggled consistently with the testing of expert evidence as there is no compulsory requirement for accreditation of the qualifications of the expert. There is also a lack of training for judges and barriste rs in the understanding of expert evidence, as well as training in judging the reliability of such evidence. In a report conducted by the House of Commons into the reliability of expert forensic evidence the report expressed concern that when the Forensic Science Service moved to the private sector the police service would no longer be able to ask the FSS to ‘provide advice as to the reliability of forensic techniques5.’ At present there is no control over the testing of the reliability of expert witnesses, however, the Law Commission have recently tried to address this issue in the Criminal Evidence (experts) Bill which was published 22 March 20116. In this Bill it was recommended that a reliability based admissibility test should be established for

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 53

Assignment Example Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: Andreas was initially sent as expatriate to New York branch to work as corporate banking manager but on arrival is shocked to know that the only position available is in the credit department. Later he is promoted to managerial cadre after working for few years. But the problem arises when his wife expresses her desire to go back to Germany in view of her children’s education and to look after her parents. Upon this when Andreas addresses his problems and requests repatriation, the organization expresses its inability to provide similar position initially but after few months offers job which is comparatively lower to the present job executed by Andreas giving a big jolt to his expectations. Decision: Andreas was wise enough to accept the international assignment because it promised higher salary and better position. But the management’s decision of going back on its promises and not providing competitive position on repatriation hurts any hardworking employee. Now Andreas is in dilemma whether to go back to Germany so that he can stay with his family and accept the position awarded by the headquarters or to stay back and work in the same level. Action Plan: Basing on the current situation, it is advised that Andreas leave the job and go back to Germany to look after his parents and also for the better future of his children. Or he could wait for the recession to disappear completely and then ask for repatriation in the parent company. It is not a big deal for Andreas to find a new competitive job with similar salary in other organization and this could be easily possible with his experience which he gained while working in New