Thursday, September 3, 2020

Quotes from Jack Kerouacs On the Road

Statements from Jack Kerouac's On the Road On the Roadâ is a continuous flow novel composed by Jack Kerouac. It is viewed as a fundamental novel of the Beat Generation, celebrated for their casual style, and these are the absolute most well known expressions from this insightfully chronicled venture. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Ch. 1 I was starting to get the bug like Dean. He was essentially an adolescent enormously energized with life, and however he was a cheat, he was just conning in light of the fact that he needed such a great amount to live and to engage with individuals who might some way or another give no consideration to him. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 1 They moved down the lanes like dingledodies, and I shambled after as Ive been doing for my entire life after individuals who intrigue me, in light of the fact that the main individuals for me are the frantic ones, the ones who are distraught to live, distraught to talk, distraught to be spared, covetous of everything simultaneously, the ones that never yawn or state an ordinary thing, yet consume, consume, consume... Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 1 In addition, all my New York companions were in the negative, bad dream position of putting down society and giving their drained erudite or political or psychoanalytical reasons, yet Dean just hustled in the public eye, excited for bread and love. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 1 Some place along the line I knew thered be young ladies, dreams, everything; some place along the line the pearl would be given to me. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 3 What's more, as I stayed there tuning in to that sound of the night which bop has come to speak to for us all, I thought of my companions from one finish of the nation to the next and how they were actually all in the equivalent huge lawn accomplishing something so wild eyed and surging about. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 3 I woke up as the sun was blushing; and that was the one unmistakable time in my life, the weirdest snapshot of all, when I didnt know who I was-I was far away from home, spooky and tired with movement, in a modest lodging Id never observed, hearing the murmur of steam outside, and the squeak of the old wood of the inn, and strides upstairs, and all the pitiful sounds, and I took a gander at the broke high roof and truly didnt know who I was for around fifteen unusual seconds. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 7 The air was delicate, the stars so fine, the guarantee of each cobbled rear entryway so incredible, that I thought I was in a fantasy. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 9 They resembled the man with the cell stone and despair, ascending from the underground, the shameful fashionable people of America, another beat age that I was gradually joining. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 9 We smoldered and shouted in our mountain alcove, frantic tanked Americans in the relentless land. We were on the top of America and everything we could do was holler, I surmise over the night... Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 10 Young men and young ladies in America have such a miserable time together; complexity requests that they submit to sex quickly without legitimate fundamental talk. Not seeking talk-genuine straight discussion about spirits, forever is heavenly and each second is valuable. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 12 An agony cut my heart, as it did each time I saw a young lady I adored who was going the other way in this too-huge world. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 13 LA is the loneliest and generally ruthless of American urban communities; New York gets terrible cold in the winter yet theres a sentiment of wacky comradeship some place in certain roads. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 13 The stars twisted around the little rooftop; smoke jabbed from the flue smokestack. I smelled squashed beans and stew. The elderly person snarled... A California home; I stowed away in the grapevines, burrowing everything. I felt like a million dollars; I was adventuring in the insane American night. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 13 We turned at twelve paces, for affection is a duel, and took a gander at one another once and for all. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 13 Isnt it genuine that you start your life a sweet kid, having faith in everything under your dads rooftop? At that point comes the day of the Laodiceans, when you realize you are pitiable and hopeless and poor and visually impaired and bare, and with the appearance of a frightful, lamenting phantom you go shivering through bad dream life. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 3 Whither goest thou, America, in thy sparkly vehicle in the night? Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 4 The one thing that we long for in our living days, that makes us murmur and moan and experience sweet sicknesses of assorted types, is the recognition of some lost ecstasy that was presumably knowledgeable about the belly and must be replicated (however we prefer not to let it out) in death. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 4 I like an excessive number of things and get all befuddled and hung-up running starting with one falling star then onto the next till I drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I didn't have anything to offer anyone aside from my own disarray. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 4 I need to resemble him. Hes never hung-up, he goes each course, he allows everything to all, he knows time, he has nothing to do except for rock to and fro. Man, hes the end! If you go like him all the time youll at long last get it. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 5 Life will be life, and kind will be benevolent. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 6 We were totally charmed, we as a whole acknowledged we were deserting disarray and babble and playing out our one respectable capacity of the time, move. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 6 Why consider that when all the brilliant grounds in front of you and a wide range of unexpected occasions hold up hiding to shock you and make you happy youre alive to see? Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 8 What is that feeling when youre heading out from individuals and they subside on the plain till you see their bits scattering?- its the too-tremendous world vaulting us, and its great by. In any case, we lean forward to the following insane endeavor underneath the skies. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 9 It appeared as though only minutes when we started abounding in the lower regions before Oakland and out of nowhere arrived at a tallness and saw loosened up in front of us the remarkable white city of San Francisco on her eleven spiritualist slopes with the blue Pacific and its propelling mass of potato-fix haze past, and smoke and goldenness of the late evening of time. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 10 What's more, for one minute I had arrived at the purpose of rapture that I generally needed to reach, which was the finished advance across sequential time into immortal shadows, and wonderment in the depressingness of the human domain, and the vibe of death kicking at my heels to proceed onward, with a ghost hounding its own heels... Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 2, Ch. 10 I understood that I had kicked the bucket and been reawakened innumerable occasions yet just didnt recall on the grounds that the advances from life to death and back are so spooky simple, a mysterious activity to no end, such as nodding off and awakening again a million times, the articulate easygoing quality and profound numbness of it. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 1 At lilac night I strolled with each muscle hurting among the lights of 27th and Welton in the Denver hued area, wanting to be a Negro, feeling that the best the white world had offered was insufficient delight for me, insufficient life, happiness, kicks, haziness, music, insufficient night. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 1 At that point a total quiet fell over everyone; where once Dean would have worked out, he currently fell quiet himself, yet remaining before everyone, worn out and broken and inept, directly under the lights, his hard frantic face secured with sweat and pounding veins... Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 4 Sacred blossoms gliding noticeable all around, were all these drained countenances in the beginning of Jazz America. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 5 Our last energized bliss in talking and living to the clear tranced finish of all incalculable crazy radiant specifics that had been hiding in our spirits for our entire lives. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 5 They have stresses, theyre tallying the miles, theyre considering where to rest this evening, how much cash for gas, the climate, how theyll arrive and all the time theyll arrive at any rate, you see. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 5 Offer them what they subtly need and they obviously promptly become hysterical. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 5 Our battered bags were heaped on the walkway once more; we had longer approaches. Be that as it may, regardless, the street is life. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 5 You dont bite the dust enough to cry. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 10 Once there was Louis Armstrong blowing his wonderful top in the muds of New Orleans; before him the frantic artists who had strutted on legitimate days and split up their Sousa walks into jazz. At that point there was swing, and Roy Eldridge, fiery and virile, shooting the horn for all that it had in influxes of intensity and rationale and nuance inclining toward it with sparkling eyes and a beautiful grin and sending it out communicate to shake the jazz world. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 10 Here were the offspring of the American bop night. Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 3, Ch. 10 From time to time an unmistakable symphonious cry gave new proposals of a tune that would some time or another be the main tune on the planet and would raise mens spirits to euphoria.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Choice and Individual Freedom in The Stranger (The Outsider) :: Camus Stranger Essays

Decision and Individual Freedom in The Stranger         Camus' The Stranger is a bleak calling that decision and person opportunity are vital parts of human instinct, and the responsibility and obligation that go with these components are at last the main variables of the ethical quality of one's existence.  Meursault is set in an impassive world, a world that grasps preposterousness and mistreats reason; such is the idea of existentialist conviction, that justification and rationale are eventually the pith of humankind, and that cultural feelings and a unimportant business as usual serve just to sustain a misguided feeling of truth.         Meursault's uprightness, just as his demise, lies in his special propensity to pick, and in this way exist, without figuring target measures or all inclusive sentiment.  His  aloof, true existentialism is an impetus for perpetual struggle between his legitimization and rationale based presence and that of others, which centers around a target membership to the standard ; such is obvious in warmed conversations with the judge and jail serve, who are seen as paragons of invalid rationale and the impetuous, semi enthusiastic quest for old similarity.         No windmills are slain1 in this reproduced presence; foolishness of a diverse kind commands the well known attitude, one which would estrange a man in light of his apparent impassion towards the commonplace, and attempt, convict, and execute a man dependent on his absence of indicated compassion towards the insignificant. Regard for the preliminary grouping will uncover that the key components of the conviction had little to do with the real wrongdoing Meursault had submitted, yet rather  the unspeakable abominations he had submitted while in grieving of his mother's demise, which comprised of smoking a cigarette, drinking some espresso, what's more, neglecting to cry or show up adequately distraught.  Indeed, the twisted misguided judgment of good truth which the jury [society] looks for depends on a segregated, target perception of right or wrong, in this way distorting the beliefs of equity by neglecting to perceive that individual flexibility and decision are ...the quintessence of individual presence and the main factor of one's morality.2         The execution of Meursault at the end of the novel emblematically brings

Friday, August 21, 2020

Current Issues in the Persian Gulf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Current Issues in the Persian Gulf - Essay Example Also, it has confined outside access, fabricated an airstrip and expanded military nearness on the island. Moves that make bay to be a pained area is certifiably not an ongoing turn of events, nor is it news for the Washingtoni. The tremendous oil saves in the district make the perceived leverage in the inlet a worry for US arrangement producers. The US has been continually engaged with the bay area, and this is reliable with the western security approach. Since the finish of World War 2, US has guaranteed that bay locale picks up solidness and access to oil conservation increasesii. Washington strategies in the inlet are not for US to access water, yet in reality guarantee that there is dependability of the oil showcase in the area. This is on the grounds that oil stuns may contrarily influence oil costs in the US. Geopolitics and vitality security are not just the components that draw in US in the Gulf locale. The American mission for guaranteeing dependability in vitality costs has been affected by ideological contemplations on the idea of US power. During the virus war, US methodology was to battle socialism that was upheld by the Soviet Union. The breakdown of socialism in the inlet and end of soviet danger caused the US to reevaluate their methodologies. The significant worry of the US and other universal networks in the Gulf is to guarantee there is strength and security. This will diminish chance in vitality showcases around the globe and urge financial specialists to put resources into this regioniii. US and Iran connection is a positive development as there will be universal management of atomic program, and thusly endorse in Iran will be elevated. This will build the expectations for everyday comforts in the area and guarantee there is solidness in the district. This connection is an import step where discourse is utilized as opposed to conveying troops in the area. Sending troops in the Gulf area will positively build hazard than decreases these dangers. Iran

Friday, June 5, 2020

Role Of Beloved In The Novel - Free Essay Example

Beloved is the reason why everything in this novel transpires. Beloveds death caused the townspeople to stay away from 124, transmuted Sethe holistically, and the other characters too. Beloved scared the townspeople enough to not come close to the house since her death and reappearance. She also ruined Sethe by draining her energy and rewiring her emotionally. The other characters in the novel like Paul D and Denver were also greatly affected by Beloved. Sethe once free, was at 124 with all her children. One day Schoolteacher and other white men go to 124 to take Sethes kids and introduce them to slavery but Sethe does the unpredictable. She goes quickly to kill her children before Schoolteacher and the other white men arrive and take her children. She only has enough time to kill one and the unfortunate one is Beloved. Beloveds murder is what keeps everyone in town away from 124 even though they have great memories there. Thats why no one visits Sethe and Denver and they eventually become very antisocial and isolated from everyone. Later after Beloved returns from the dead, they are even more scared. That is why towards the end, a group of women come together at 124 to expel Beloved from there. They want to help Sethe and stop that deep feeling of emptiness and sor row that is felt just by passing by.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beloved is the main reason why Sethe is the way she is. Sethe is guilty since she is the one that murdered Beloved. According to Sethe, she did it to save her from slavery and keep her safe. Since the occurrence, she feels guilty and the past has been haunting her the entire time, even when Beloved arrives at 124. That being said, Beloved takes advantage of Sethe in every way she sees possible. When she first arrives at 124, Sethe immediately feels an attachment towards her just by knowing her name. After Beloved is taken in by Sethe and given food, water, and shelter, Beloved begins to have an unhealthy and parasitical attachment towards her. She is constantly with Sethe and wont let her do much around the house. Coming towards the end of the novel, Sethe becomes Beloveds servant. Beloved seems to be unpleasable and have an abundant desire for food. Sethe loses her job and leaves chores at home undone in order to keep Beloved comfortable and fulfill her demands. She drains Sethes en ergy and food resources while Sethe and Denver eat almost nothing. Beloved becomes fat and weak as if she were pregnant from all the food she eats and Sethe provides her. Sethe becomes tired of Beloveds demands at times and tries to tell her how she suffered as a mother for her and the other children. Beloved seems to not be affected by Sethes words and reverses the entire conversation towards Sethe. Beloved blames her about leaving her behind and killing her. As Sethe hears that, she tries to explain why and tries to please her even more since she feels guilty for her actions. Beloved seems to win everytime and always gets what she wants. As we can see, Beloved has great power over Sethe in order to get what she wants. Beloved changes Sethe completely without her noticing. We can almost say that shes back into slavery but this time with her own child. Sethe doesnt seem to be the only character to be affected by Beloved and her actions. Paul D and Denver are both uncomforted by Beloved throughout the novel at different times. Paul D immediately feels perturbed when seeing Beloved for the first time and later on, just by being around her. Its inexplicable. Paul D one day feels the urge to leave the house because of great uncomfort but doesnt want to leave forever because he actually loves Sethe and wants to stay with her. Because of that he goes to sleep at the cold house but Beloved goes and seduces Paul D against his will. Paul D has sex with Beloved but he didnt want to. He later leaves 124 in order to get away from everything that has to do with Beloved and Sethes past. Denver on the other hand is impacted by Beloved differently but ends up with the same result. When Beloved arrived at 124, Denver became attached to Beloved thinking she was the reincarnation of her sister. Denver began to ignore and not care about Denver while Denver was on her tail at all times. This whole time Denver believes Sethe is the problem because she killed Beloved in the first place and as time passes by Beloved and Sethe begin to fight constantly. We can see right here that Beloved is such a strong and manipulative character that she can put a family against each other. Times passes by and Denver sees that its all the way around. Beloved is the problem and Sethe is the victim. Beloved had Denver blinded thinking her ow n mother was the problem. Somehow, Denver wasnt able to see Beloveds manipulations towards her mother and Paul D.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN NIGERIA COURSE OUTLINE 1. Concept and Rationale of History of education 2. A Brief History of Education in Ancient Greek and Roman Empire 3. African Indigenous System of Education/African Traditional Education 4. Islamic Education in Nigeria 5. Christian Missionary/Western Education in Nigeria 6. Nigerian Education Since 1960 THE CONCEPT OF EDUCATION There seems to be no universally accepted definition of the word ‘education’. But this is not peculiar with education alone since terms such as Curriculum, Religion, Philosophy etc does not command a particular meaning. This simply means that like the terms mentioned above, education is an amorphous concept since there is no consensus and generally agreed†¦show more content†¦This form of education is usually likened to traditional education. 2. Formal Education: Formal education is the form of education given in schools and colleges or institutions whereby students are organized into groups and classrooms for the purpose of acquiring knowledge from an appointed teacher. The aims and curriculum of this form of education are pre-planned with a designated teacher to expose students to learning experiences. The agencies through which knowledge is acquired in this form of education include Library, Museum, Zoo, Picture Galleries, Lectures and Symposium etc. The evidence to prove that one has acquired this form of education is usually the issuance and acquisition of certificate. 3. Non-Formal: This is an organized and deliberate means of acquiring knowledge but mostly outside the formal school settings. Non-formal education is acquired in trade houses like the carpenter and mechanic workshops, tailor’s shop, hair dressing and barbing salons etc’. It is a kind of master-apprentice relationship whereby the apprentice is expected to acquire certain skills after a period of time. This form of education is more concerned with school-drop-outs, adults and others who are not privileged to acquire formal education. Note that a close examination of the three forms of education reveals that they are all dependent on each other. For instance, formal education builds on the informal knowledge and experiences children have already learnt

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

American Civil Rights Through The Ages - 1622 Words

American Civil Rights Through The Ages Over the course of history, all across the world there have been countless incidents where one group of people has persecuted another, for little or no reason. One of the worst instances of this happening was in the 1800s in America when people kept thousands of African Americans as slaves. Slavery in the Americas caused Africans Americans to be considered an inferior race for over a century later. For all this time, African Americans were forced into slave labor, then forced to have their own everything such as schools, churches, and even bathrooms. It all started when European traders began buying or kidnapping African Americans from their home villages and shipping them to Europe and the Americas. On the journey, they were starved, beaten, and packed into the bowels of the ship. The captain’s only concern was finding a way to squeeze a few more slaves into the ship to maximize profits. Money was the only thing that mattered. They would spare any expense they thought that they could get away with without killing their precious human cargo. They were only allowed one or two hours on the deck of the ship each day, taken in shifts, so that they wouldn’t be too weak to sell when they got to the new world. Disease was also a large factor. In such tight quarters, in which they would often have to use as a bathroom, disease spread like wildfire through the slaves. If one got sick, then everyone around them would, too. Then,Show MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights902 Words   |  4 Pages29 September 2017 Civil Rights and Liberties Civil liberties are the essential rights that which gives the freedom of the people guaranteed by the constitution. 2 Right to free speech, Right to privacy, Right to marry, Right to vote, Right to Speech and many more fall under the civil liberties. Generally, civil liberties are the rights that allows people to make their own decisions without any exceptions. 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Online Gaming Positive and Negative Aspects

Question: Describe about the Online Gaming for Positive and Negative Aspects. Answer: Introduction Internet and technology have brought a number of advancements in various sectors and gaming is one such sector that has experienced major transformations due to the same. Online gaming has managed to become a preferred mode of entertainment for people of varied age groups including kids, teenagers and adults. There are online games that are now available for users for free of cost and the advanced level comes at an affordable cost. There are positive and negative aspects that are associated with the online gaming. Harmonious Passion in Online Gaming There are various forms of passion that may be associated with a particular activity. Harmonious passion is a kind of passion that makes sure that the activity which is online gaming in this case does not conflict with any other activity. Online gaming has emerged as a source of entertainment for the players and they ensure that they make some time during the day reserved for the same. The activity and the passion that is involved with the same comes out to have a positive impact on the mind of the player as long as the passion does not turn in to obsessive passion, addiction and craving. Positive Aspects of Online Gaming Education and General Knowledge There are various categories of online games that are present for the users and can be easily downloaded and installed. One such category of games is education and general knowledge games. These games assist parents to easily educate their children with an activity that does not appear to be regular classroom tuition and likewise. These games act as a mode of entertainment for the kids and the information that is present within the games add to their knowledge as well. For instance, there are games that are developed on the concepts of primary mathematics that has got various levels present one after the other. The user will be allowed to move to the next level only if he/she succeeds in clearing the one prior to it. The levels comprise of basic mathematics operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and likewise presented over an interactive user interface. The game enhanced the mathematical knowledge of the kids along with their mental ability and awareness. There are also hints and assistance included in the game to make the kids learn about the mathematical techniques. Similar games on other subjects and general knowledge such as quiz games and likewise are also available for the users (Frank, Sanbou and Terashima, 2016). Typing Skills There are also games that can measure and improve the typing skills of the users. Computer systems are essential in the present era in every field and it is necessary to have decent typing speed and skills to make proper utilization of the same. Online gaming has provided a solution to enhance this skill of the users by providing attractive interface to type on and remember the keys on the particular keyboard that is used for the same. These games display the typing speed, errors and various associated details and also comprise of difficulty levels as easy, medium and complex which provide a time based challenge to the users. Regular gaming allows the users to enhance these skills in an easy manner. Communication Skills These are the skill sets that get enhanced with certain online games that can be played by the users. There are games that involve interaction with the various team players and there are also games that have multiple players in one team and multiple teams in one game. The interaction and communication between the teams determine the win or loss in a game. The users therefore make sure that they maintain a required level of communication and the same develops additional necessary skills such as team building, team cooperation and team collaboration as well. Mode of Refreshment The primary motive behind the playing of the online games for the users is to have fun and have a mode of entertainment and refreshment. These games allow the users to refresh their minds of all the stress and tensions of the daily activities. The users get engrossed with the games and indulge in the world of the game for a particular time period. The same has a positive impact on the overall health as it freshens up the mood and creates positive energies. Negative Aspects of Online Gaming There are also some of the negative aspects that are associated with the online games and the same are usually the result of excessive gaming. Obsessive Passion and Addictive Behavior There are scenarios wherein the users get addicted to a particular game and develop an obsessive passion for the same. It is a result of excessive playing and the same leads to avoidance and conflict with the other routine activities. The addictive behavior also takes a toll on the studies and associated activities for the kids as they get indulged in the online gaming at all times. Instances wherein the users do not get the desired share of time to play the games result in cravings which is not beneficial for the human health (Stoeber et al., 2011). Negative Social Impacts There are a number of negative impacts associated with the social aspects associated with the online games. There are negative social impacts that result out of indulgence in the online games. The kids in the present era keep themselves busy in the world of online games and do not go out playing with other kids in the society. The same leads the inability in them to develop the social skills that are extremely essential part of life. There are also decreased social interactions and activities that are seen among the teenagers and adults resulting out of the online games and indulgence in the same. Social skills allow the individual to have an interactive session with the fellow members and are extremely essential for the overall personality development of the individual. Online gaming takes a negative toll in this regard by preventing the users to develop such skills. Social isolation is the result of the prolonged and excessive gaming (Kowert et al., 2014). Health Hazards There are numerous health hazards that are associated with increased online gaming for people of all age groups. First and the foremost is the impact on the eyes of the individual that results out of online gaming. The eyesight deteriorates along with other related problems such as irritation and itching in the eyes. There are also a number of other health issues that result out of online gaming on the physical health of the person. Physical activity and fitness is essential and shall be incorporated in the daily routine. Online gaming prevents the individuals to perform physical activities and makes them stuck to the couch or chairs that result in various health issues such as obesity and many others leading to some of the extremely severe health impacts (Stetina et al., 2010). Negative Psychological Impacts There are a number of aspects that are associated with online gaming such as use of sound, peer pressure, fun, score and many others. Players tend to get emotionally involved with the games and the same has an impact on the mind and body leading to a number of psychological impacts. The loss in the game leads to a state of sadness which also becomes depression in certain cases. The combination of audio and visual effects present in the games determine the human behavior as well that leads to some of the negative psychological impacts (Kowert et al., 2014). Ethical Issues leading to Negative Impacts There are a number of ethical issues that are involved with the online games in terms of the category and content present in the game. The developers at times do not take care of the type of content that they should incorporate in the games and also the accessibility of the same is not controlled leading to their usage by the individuals belonging to the minor age group. Usage of such games by the kids and minors is a violation of ethical practices that takes a toll on the mental and psychological abilities of the users (Albrecht, Michael and Michael, 2016). Security Risks in Online Gaming With the increase in the number and ease of accessibility of the online games along with the increase of the usage of the same leads to a number of security risks associated with the games. The attackers succeed in obtaining personal information associated with the users through unauthorized manners which leads to the violation of the confidentiality, privacy and integrity of the same. There are also apps that need to be purchased or involve in-app purchases. Attackers also get hold of the payment information of the users that can have extremely severe impacts. These security risks can also lead to the deterioration of the reputation of the developers and the organization that provides these games to the users. The customer base and market shares also therefore come down as a result of these risks. These security risks primarily involve availability risks, integrity risks and confidentiality attacks such as denial of service attacks, media alteration, phishing attacks, scams, malware attacks and many others. There are also some of the games that determine the user location and the attackers acquire the same for executing physical security attacks such as stealing of device or harm to the device owner. Countermeasures to Security Risks There are a number of measures that the users and the game developers shall take to minimize these security risks. The users shall not click on any suspicious links and shall consider the reviews and comments before downloading a particular game. The payment processes must be carried out in a secure environment and the device must always be kept protected with the anti-virus and other anti malware packages. The developers must install security mechanisms in the games during the development of the same in order to protect the information of the users. Conclusion Online gaming is an activity that has been developed as a source of entertainment for the users. The usage and incorporation of the same in daily activities shall therefore be restricted so that the same does not turn in to a hazard or result in negative impacts. There are numerous positives that are associated with the games and the same shall be maintained all throughout. There shall also be monitoring and control applied by the parents to prevent the children from excessive usage and addiction. References Albrecht, K., Michael, M. and Michael, K. (2016). The Dark Side of Video Games. 1st ed. Frank, I., Sanbou, N. and Terashima, K. (2016). Some Positive Effects of Online Gaming . 1st ed. Hakodate: Future University Hakodate. Kowert, R., Domahidi, E., Festl, R. and Quandt, T. (2014). Social gaming, lonely life? 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