Wednesday, May 6, 2020

American Civil Rights Through The Ages - 1622 Words

American Civil Rights Through The Ages Over the course of history, all across the world there have been countless incidents where one group of people has persecuted another, for little or no reason. One of the worst instances of this happening was in the 1800s in America when people kept thousands of African Americans as slaves. Slavery in the Americas caused Africans Americans to be considered an inferior race for over a century later. For all this time, African Americans were forced into slave labor, then forced to have their own everything such as schools, churches, and even bathrooms. It all started when European traders began buying or kidnapping African Americans from their home villages and shipping them to Europe and the Americas. On the journey, they were starved, beaten, and packed into the bowels of the ship. The captain’s only concern was finding a way to squeeze a few more slaves into the ship to maximize profits. Money was the only thing that mattered. They would spare any expense they thought that they could get away with without killing their precious human cargo. They were only allowed one or two hours on the deck of the ship each day, taken in shifts, so that they wouldn’t be too weak to sell when they got to the new world. Disease was also a large factor. In such tight quarters, in which they would often have to use as a bathroom, disease spread like wildfire through the slaves. If one got sick, then everyone around them would, too. Then,Show MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights902 Words   |  4 Pages29 September 2017 Civil Rights and Liberties Civil liberties are the essential rights that which gives the freedom of the people guaranteed by the constitution. 2 Right to free speech, Right to privacy, Right to marry, Right to vote, Right to Speech and many more fall under the civil liberties. Generally, civil liberties are the rights that allows people to make their own decisions without any exceptions. 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